Welcome to our frequently asked questions! Find all the answers to common questions below. Don’t forget to take a look at our Parent’s Guide to find all the essential information.
Guide du parentOur waiting list is managed by an automatic system. This system classifies children according to very precise criteria such as the date of registration on the waiting list as well as the priority if applicable.
In connection with these priorities, the position indicated could change at any time depending on the registrations and priority data of each family.
Classification of children
Children are classified as follows on our waiting lists:
- Children with brother and sister priority are ranked first in order of registration date
- Children with LPCR employee priority are ranked second in order of registration date.
- Children with center transfer priority are ranked third in order of registration date.
- Children with School Board priority are ranked fourth in order of registration date.
- Children with no priority are ranked fifth in order of registration date.
Please note that the preferred date is not taken into account when placing your child on the waiting list, as we cannot guarantee a place on that specific date. Your child will therefore be registered on the waiting list for the group corresponding to their age and not in the group chosen by the family.
It is impossible for the administration to predict when a place will become available for your child. Please note that our availability is limited and new openings do not occur daily.
As soon as a place becomes available, the family, respectively on the waiting list, is contacted by email. A period of 24 hours is given to confirm acceptance of the place. Then, the child’s start date can be discussed with the registration manager.
Waiting times may vary depending on age groups and centers. It is recommended to register on the waiting list as soon as possible. Young children generally have longer wait times because places become available less frequently. For school children, waiting lists may be shorter. Despite the sometimes long delays, it is essential to register quickly to maximize your chances of obtaining a place and to better organize yourself.
To check your child’s location, please log in to your account.
The registration process cannot be accelerated. Despite the sometimes long deadlines, it is crucial to register quickly to increase your chances of obtaining a place and for better organization.
Regarding the admission of children to daycare programs for infants and toddlers, the daycare accepts children from a family where French is one of the languages of learning chosen by one of the parents . For children attending preschool programs, LPCR requires that children be able to understand and express themselves easily in French. In addition, LPCR offers an immersion program at the Coxwell center for preschool children who have limited or no knowledge of French but one parent speaks the language. Regarding school groups, children must attend the designated school and meet the admission criteria.
The parent can adjust the center preferences for their child from their account. To do this, they must click on the “edit” option located to the right of the child’s name.
Your position in the waiting list may vary depending on the center and its specific request, which differs for each establishment. However, it is essential to note that despite changes in position, your priority will remain unchanged. Therefore, your child will always be placed on the waiting list based on their registration date and priority, if applicable. Therefore, parents can adjust center choices to their convenience without compromising their priority.
We do not accept partial registrations. All our programs are full-time, 5 days per week.
No, our childcare costs are billed monthly, regardless of the presence of the child.
Children who are not 100% subsidy, but partially with a daily rate determined by the City of Toronto Subsidy Department, are billed based on the monthly subsidy report received at the end of each month for the month in question. For any questions relating to your billing, please contact your file agent.
Every year in January, we bill the annual membership fees. Families benefiting from municipal subsidies are not exempt from paying these contribution fees. (Please see the parents guide for more information).
The deposit already paid will be kept until the end of the custody period. It can be used to pay childcare costs for the last month, subject to receiving 4 weeks’ notice of termination, in accordance with the provisions of the LPCR. We invite you to consult the parents’ guide for more information.
Any child under 6 years old is eligible for CWELCC. This eligibility is maintained until the month of their sixth birthday. After this date, he will no longer be eligible.
Please refer to the childcare service prices displayed on our website for the center you have selected.